About a year ago, I received an e-mail from Lark Books about a project for a new sock book: "The Joy of Sox". Lark Books inquired whether I wanted to submit a pattern. It so happened that I had just had the idea for a pair of socks, so I knitted away on them and send in the photos. My socks were chosen and I mailed a little package with the socks to Lark (which I got back about 2 months ago!).
In the months to come, I would hear from various very nice people from Lark Books. I had never expected to be so involved in the production process, but it was great fun and very interesting. I have learned a lot. Finally, here is the finished book and it breathes the fun all the people involved had.
Lark's announcement:
"Sox rocks! Here comes the hottest collection of knitted socks yet, filled with 30-plus designs, a variety of techniques, tips, and playful trivia from those in the know. And it’s all in one flirtatiously fresh package.
Aimed at the knitter who is super-passionate about socks, The Joy of Sox delivers on its name. With their tantalizing cables, intricate lacework, and intriguing color work, the patterns represent the very best in sock design. There are revamped classics, bold new styles, and even a few themed socks—like the diamond lace thigh-highs and toeless pedicure socks.
In addition to the results of our online knitting poll, you’ll also get fun stuff, including info from knitting personality Laurie Perry and phenoms Laura Bryant and Shannon Okey. "
The book is spiral bound - which I love. The colors and photography are very clear and fresh, so it is a great pleasure to just look at them.
Here is a link to the photographer's blog where you can see more pics.
And here is the good news:
So, everyone who is interested in sock knitting and looking for 30+ new gorgeous sock patterns, please enter the draw.
Leave a comment to this post or send an e-mail by High Noon, September 6th, Berlin time, Germany.
Vor einem Jahr erhielt ich eine E-mail von Lark Books in dem der Plan eines neuen Sockenstrickbuchs mit dem Titel "The Joy of Sox" vorgestellt wurde. Lark Books fragte an, ob ich ein Sockenmuster einreichen wolle. Da ich gerade eine Idee für ein Paar Socken hatte, strickte ich diese und sandte die Fotos ein. Meine Socken wurden ausgewählt und ich schickte ein kleines Päckchen mit den Socken und dem Design zu Lark Books (die Socken bekam ich vor zwei Monaten wieder zurück!)
In den Folgemonaten wurde ich von einer Reihe von Mitarbeitern von Lark Books kontaktiert. Ich hätte nicht erwartet, dass ich so in den Entstehungsprozess des Buches eingebunden würde, aber es war sehr interessant und machte viel Spass. Ich habe viel dabei gelernt. Nun, hier ist das fertige Buch und es verströmt den Enthusiasmus aller Beteiligten.
Die Ankündigung von Lark Books:
"Socks rocks! Hier kommt die bisher heißeste Auswahl gestrickter Socken, voll mit mehr als 30 Designs, einer Vielzahl an Techniken, Tipps und amüsanten Infos von denen die es wissen müssen. Und sie erscheint in einer augenzwinkernd erfrischenden Verpackung.
Das Buch ist für Strickerinnen, die leidenschaftlich gern Socken stricken. Der Titel "The Joy of Sox" ist dabei Programm. Mit verführerischen Zopfmustern, komplizierten Spitzen, und faszinierendem Farbenspiel verkörpern sie bestes Sockendesign. Es gibt aufpolierte Klassiker, mutige neue Stile und sogar ein paar Socken passend zum Titel - wie der übers Knie reichenden Diamantspitzensocke oder zehenlosen Pediküresocken.
Zusätzlich zu den Ergebnissen unserer Strickumfrage gibt es weitere Bonbons, z.B. Infos von Strickexperten wie Laurie Perry, Laura Bryant und Shannon Okey.
Das Buch ist spiralgebunden - was mir sehr zusagt. Die Farben und Photographien sind klar und frisch, so dass es einfach ein Genuss ist sie anzuschauen.
Hier ist ein Link zum Blog des Photographen auf dem es noch mehr Bilder zu sehen gibt.
Nun kommt eine weitere gute Nachricht:
Ich habe ein Freiexemplar erhalten, dass ich verschenken darf.
Wenn ihr also Interesse an einem Buch voller englischer Sockenanleitungen habt, dann macht doch mit bei der Verlosung.
Hinterlasst einfach einen Kommentar zu diesem Blogeintrag oder sendet eine E-mail bis spätestens zum 6. September, 12 Uhr mittags (Berlinzeit, Deutschland)
Am I the first?! I sure love your blog...and I hope I win! =)
I follow your blog and have recently become quite a sox knitting addict. hope I win!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, dear Sabine!
Happy Birthday to you!
Oh I just saw this book at the bookstore and it is truly wonderful! Vielen Dank & herzliche Geburtstag Grusse
Viel Glück, Heil uhuund Segen
auf all Deinen Wegen
Gesundheit und Frohsinn
sei ahauch mit dabei :-)))
Lass Dich ordentlich feiern und genieße den schönen Tag!
Ganz liebe Grburtstagsgrüße,
I came this morning with the purpose to make you a surprise and wish you a happy borthday ... but yours to me is much GREATER!
Congratulations for your partecipation to this worderful book (^_^) and enjoy this day with your loved ones!
Tanti auguri Sabine!
Zunächst einmal Gratulation zur Veröffentlichung! (und auch zum Geburtstag, wenn ich das hier richtig interpretiere;0)
Habe gerade Deine Rosebud-Socken angeschlagen und würde mich natürlich sehr freuen, das Buch zu gewinnen!
Oh neat, another sock book! I love socks.
Oooo! Add my name to the drawing please! :)
das Buch sieht toll aus...
Freut mich für dich das du dabei sein darfst...
und ich würde mich natürlich freuen wenn ich gewinnen würde ;)
Wow, congratulations on the publication of your pattern! I have heard of the book and would love to win a copy. Thank you.
Super dass deine anleitung auch dabei ist! natuerlich will ich auch eins :) Und herzlichen glueckwunsch nachtraeglich!
How exciting to have one of your patterns published in a book. I checked out your link and love the pictures.
Congratulations and best wishes!!
Found your blog through Knotions. The sock book looks amazing, its cool that they involved the designers so much in the process.
Just sock it to me--What a bright colorful book--the patterns look wonderful-fun and challenging. crossing my fingers for the luck of the draw. thanks nancy
Herzlichen Glückwunsch noch nachträglich zum Geburtstag und auch zur veröffentlichten Anleitung in diesem Buch!
Liebe Grüße
Nachträglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag und hoffentlich bis bald einmal.
Das Buch würde ich wohl auch gerne haben, es dürfte dann auch in Berlin bleiben ;-)
Alles gute nachträglich auch von mir ! und das Buch hätte ich natürlich sehr gerne !
Liebe Grüße,
Happy belated birthday!
Oh how I'd love to win a spiral-bound book of socks!
Alles Gute!
ooohhh! Pick me please!!!! How are you Sabine? My addiction to socks is all your fault so I should win the draw ;-)
Your Snickets have been in my queue for a while, but they might just be surpassed by From Russia With Love. I'd love to win a copy of the book!
:) I found your website through Ravelry. I really love the sox From Russia with love. They look amazing. They remind me of the first time I saw a pair of highly detailed and colorful socks from the designer Lucy Neatby.
I said, those are just socks to wear, they are coffeetable socks. I explained, you know, take off your shoes, sling your footsies up on the coffeetable and let people admire them.
Where can I get a copy of your book?
I LOVE sock knitting and the sox I've seen in Joy of Sox look FANTASTIC! :)
what a kewl thing to do! thank you for this chance.
Beautiful Socks! I would love to have a copy of this book... I have the perfect yarn to make the Russia with Love socks ;o)
I've been watching these patterns pop up on Ravelry. I particularly like your From Russia with Love, one of my favorite Bond films!
I'd love to win that lovely sock book with your fabulous pattern :-)
I just found your blog and love it. How exciting to have the opportunity to have your pattern in print in the book. I love knitting socks and would love to have the opportunity to win this book.
I would love to win a copy of "The Joy of Sox"!
Congrats on the new book! It looks great! Can I be entered in the draw?
This is an offer I can't resist. Hope I am the lucky one! :-)
Love this drawing, and your pattern in progress! Back to the rav book club....
Please add my name to the drawing! I love knitting socks!!
Oh cool! A new sock knitting book. I can't resist the chance to win a copy. Thanks! :)
Looks like a lovely book!!!!
Viele Gruesse aus Amerika :)
I would LOVE to win this sock pattern book! You can never have tooooo many hand knit socks :)
Congratulations! Die Modelle in diesem Buch sind wunderschoen. Du bist in ausgezeichneter Gesellschaft.
The book sounds marvelous!!! I just found your blog and LOVE it <3
i love your pattern, and found it thru ravelry. would love to win the book...
mittz (on rav)
Congrats on being in the book! It looks fantastic.
Of course I would love a copy of this book. Everything I've seen is quite exciting.
And a Happy Birthday to you!
Well, I'm bookmarking your blog. I like the sock you put up on Ravelry for the Joy of Sox. I also like a spiral book and especially for project type books.
oh how I love knitting sox! I can not knit right now, doctors orders. Majorly bummed about carpal tunnel. usually i knit sox at dr. appt. now can't even hardly hold a knitting pattern. But soon baby my hand will be healed!
sox sox sox!!!! would love a sox book!!!!! hailing from USA here. found your blog via a twitter user i follow (twitter.com/mraeknitter). im working on animals and sweater for myself but i definitely need to get back into my socks!! here's my entry!
thank you!
-pat from MA,USA
It's so generous of you to give away a copy of the book.
I would love to be included in the drawing. I'm attempting the 52 pair plunge this year and a book like this would be very much appreciated.
I just saw the From Russia with love socks on Ravelry - WOW!!! Great looking pattern -
Wow! I haven't seen or heard anything about this book before. It looks wonderful, and I'd love to add it to my collection of sock books. Found you through Ravelry. (I'm knittingramma there.)
I love the new book!! Such pretty patterns. Thanks for being a part of it and sharing your design.
Those socks are glorious! Well done. :)
Of course I'd love a copy of this book. Please add my name to the drawing!
How exciting to have your socks in a book!
Hallo Sabine,
das sind ja tolle Neuigkeiten! Herzlichen Glückwunsch.
Ich würde ich natürlich sehr über den Buchgewinn freuen...
... und der Kommentar war schneller weggecklickt, als ich gucken konnte...
Lieben Gruß
Your gorgeous pattern on Ravelry brought me here - I'd love a copy of the book too!
Mmmmm, das Foto deiner Socken ist traumhaft schön und macht Appetit auf mehr. Ich sehe schon, das Buch ist ein Muss für mich.
Grüßlis von Branwen
Great prize! :)
I can not believe this was the first time I came across your blog!! Your work is outstanding!! Congrats on being published in the book it looks to be a Best Seller........
always alice
from Central Texas....
The book looks great - I can't wait to see it! And maybe I'll be lucky - your contest ends on my birthday.
Nachträglich, herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, und zum Buch... Sieht richtig schön aus, und ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ich es gewinne...
Wow, herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Veröffentlichung! Du bist ja richtig eifrig dabei. Ich wünschte, ich würde das auch endlich mal hinbekommen, eines meiner Muster irgendwo zu veröffentlichen.
Bei der Verlosung wäre ich natürlich auch gerne dabei :-)
Oh, thank you so much for telling. That look like a fantastic sock book and of course I would like to win one.
Einem solch verlockenden Gewinnspiel kann ich doch einfach nicht wiederstehen! :)
Liebe Gruesse
Julia, dein Ex-Secret-Pal
that is so cool you having so much input and fun having your socks published in this book. I also love your mitts and shawlette in the Knotions emag. thank you ever so much for offering this giveaway to us your readers. I hope I win.
Loved reading your blog.. and I'm a sock knitting addict! I would love to have a new book of sock patterns....
I've just found your lovely patterns and would love to win the book. Thank you for both! :-)
Congratulations on your published pattern! It looks like a great book! :)
If I don't win it, I'm buying it so there :o)
Seriously though Sari, well done. Me Likey.
I'd love to get this new book! It looks great and as I love your designs it sounds even more so.
Oh damn, I'm number 70 and not 69 but still it's a good number-I'm feeling lucky. I would love that copy of the book but I would love just as much to get together and knit with you, so if I don't get one, could I get the other?? Or both???
Oh and by the way, happy birthday the day after mine!!!! Isn't it great being 25??
Hugs! Kimberly-www.thegivingflower.de
I just saw some of these lovely socks! How wonderful for you!!! :hugs:
Hi I am so excited about the new book. Sure would love to win one. Debi
I was just looking at your sock on Ravelry. It's gorgeous as are many others in the book. I'd love a chance to win it.
Congratulations! The book looks very beautiful!
Congratulations! The "From Russia with Love" socks are beautiful!
Jean in Maine (Rav ID)
I'm about to try your Knitty pattern Anne Shirley - first scarf in awhile, I usually knit socks. I would love to win the book!
Congratulations on being published in the book! And thank you for the link to the photographer's blog - the photos are amazing.
Your socks are beautiful!
Hallo Sabine,
Bin ik zu spät ? Alles Gute zum Geburtstag. Et bravo pour la publication du patron.
Thanks so much for the heads up about the drawing. Like I said on Ravelry, the book is beautiful and all the patterns are awesome.
Congrats to you on getting in on the fun!
I love socks! Book looks great!
I would love to be entered into the drawing. The book looks great!
WOW! I just found this today. I have started a sock group and I am searching through books. I came across another post who described the book... it would be simply amazing to own this and I would treasure each pattern. :) Jody
The From Russia With Love Socks are absolutely gorgeous! Ich möchte das Buch haben :)
Congrats on having your pattern published - how exciting! The book looks fabulous.
Your patterns are all so beautiful - so exciting this book is out! whee!
Hello. I am not the first to write some words to you, but I do hope I win the book
Sorry, but I forgot to leave my e-mail adress:
as you can see, I`m from norway
Congratulations! Looks like a great book, can't wait to get my hands on one.
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