Tuesday, April 20, 2010

WiP - Evie

Here is a picture of one of my many Wips for a change. It is the Evie cardigan by Kim Hargreaves and I long for it to be finished. Alas, the first sleeve is way too long and once the second is finished, I will have to shorten it. Well, the prospect of undoing the sewing, frogging the entire cap, the inches that are too much, then reknit the cap and sew it in again are not very comforting. I am actually pondering about cutting the sleeve shortly below the beginning of the cap, frog the inches that are too many and then kitchener-stitch the sleeve to the cap again. What do you think?

Zur Abwechslung kommt hier mal ein Foto von einem unfertigen Projekt. Es ist die Evie Jacke von Kim Hargreaves, und ich kann es kaum erwarten, bis sie fertig ist. Allerdings ist der erste (schon eingenähte) Ärmel viel zu lang, ca. 5 cm!!! Die Aussicht den Ärmel wieder heraustrennen zu müssen, dann die ganze Armkugel auftrennen, die 5 cm wegnehmen, die Kugel wieder anstricken und den Ärmel dann wieder einnähen zu müssen, verursachen nicht gerade Hochgefühle bei mir. Ich überlege, ob ich den Ärmel nicht unterhalb der Kugel abschneide, die 5 cm aufmache und dann das ganze im Maschenstich wieder annähe. Was meint ihr?


LoopyLu said...

You might as well give it a go - nothing to lose, everything to (potentially) gain!

joannamauselina said...

Or you could cut them off at the bottom and pick up stitches to finish off. I see there is a sort of decorative border on them. If the border is, say, two inches, and you cut two inches more off than the desired length, pick up, start the border top down this time, the pick up line should not show. (I mean the spot where the stitches are suddenly in a different direction. This would mean finishing the second sleeve and doing the same thing to both. That might be easier. I have cut something knitted from the bottom up, off and then picked up and knitted the ribbing top-down wise. It was successful. The sweater looks like a very stylish, very useful sort of sweater, and very well worth the extra work to reclaim it.