Finally, finally, finally I have finished the Juno Regina, blocked it and taken a picture.
Although I have so far enjoyed Miriam's patterns a great deal (Seraphim is gorgeous, so are Icarus and the mitts), this one was an ordeal. Usually, I find her charts very easy to follow, but this time I ran into troubles repeatedly. The charts just didn't provide a visual image of how the pattern develops. Probably I should also have increased them before printing, they would have been easier to read then. So, no this one wasn't fun to knit. But, I have been wearing it and it is fantastic to wear, both yarn and pattern harmonize to a great advantage. So, although I did not enjoy knitting this, I enjoy wearing it tremendously!
In between, I was afraid that I would not have enough yarn, because I knit the Mystery stole from the same yarn. But that fear was unnecessary. I shortened the Juno a bit and thus had enough yarn. Actually, I think, it is still long enough the way it is now.
Pattern: Juno Regina, knitty
yarn: machine knitting yarn, unidentifiable
needle size: 5 mm
Endlich, endlich, endlich ist meine Juno Regina fertig.
Bislang habe ich alle Anleitung von Miriam sehr gerne gestrickt. Der Seraphim gehört zu meinen Lieblingstüchern, der Icarus ist auch ganz wunderschön und die mitts werde ich sicher nochmal verschenken. Aber hier, hier hatte ich laufend Probleme mit der Strickschrift. Die verschiedenen Teile ergaben auf dem Papier leider kein Gesamtbild des Musterverlaufes, außerdem hätte ich sie vergrößern sollen, dann wären sie nicht so ein Augenpulver gewesen. Nein, Spaß gemacht hat mir der Juno Regina nicht. Aber, die Wolle und das Muster harmonieren ganz hervorragend und so ist das Tragen des Junos ein wahrer Genuss.
Zwischendurch hatte ich auch die Befürchtung die Wolle reicht nicht, da ich daraus ja auch noch die mystery stole gestrickt habe. Letztlich hat es dann aber doch gerade gereicht, nicht zuletzt weil ich die Juno etwas kürzer gestrickt habe. Sie ist aber immer noch lang genug, finde ich.
Anleitung: Juno Regina aus knitty
Wolle: Konenwolle, undefiniert
Nadelstärke: 5 mm
I have to say, when I had final editing for this pattern before knitty went live, I had a premonition that the way they had changed the charts would be a problem. They complicated it unnecessarily. My original charts were 2 pieces for each end, none of this repeat this section 5 times and this other section 3. But they wanted it to fit on the same page as the pattern. I suggested that they make the charts (and the written translations of the charts that I offered) on a pdf file, which could be downloaded and carried around easily, but they declined.
Sorry you had such a headache with the pattern, but glad you at least like the finished piece :)
Hooray for FOs! I always admire your lace projects, and this one is no exception. Beautiful!
Oh it looks great. I really need a black shawl like that. :-)
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